2024-2025 School Year Enrollment

2024-2025 School Year Enrollment

2024-2025 School Year Enrollment





ENROLLMENT includes a non-refundable registration fee of $150 per child plus a security deposit of one (1) month of tuition. This deposit is posted to your account and will be used as your last month’s tuition payment. Upon enrollment, you agree to an initial contract of 3 months at STEM Academy. This provides your child a proper introduction to the school.

TUITION is based on 10 payments from September to June and is due on the 25th of each month. Tuition is accepted through the authorized bank account or credit card submitted on the tuition express form. A late fee of $50 is assessed if payment is not received by the 25th and care will be suspended if not received by the 30th of each month. There are no refunds for days off, vacation time, sick days and/or emergency/snow days. Tuition is subject to change without notice or when revised. All deposits are non-refundable if you withdraw your child prior to 90 days of enrollment. Refer to the school calendar.

SUMMER CAMP TUITION for infants and toddlers remains monthly because it is a year-round program and tuition remains the same. For children 3 years and older, families will have the option to choose their summer camp weeks. Tuition will be based on a weekly price. More information will be available in the Spring.

TUITION DISCOUNTS for families with more than one child enrolled at the same time will receive a sibling discount of 10% off the least expensive tuition. Tuition discount offers may not be combined and may not be applicable to all programs.

SCHOOL UNIFORMS are required for Pre-K, Kindergarten and First grade classes. To place your order, please visit www.frenchtoast.com and “search by school” option to view all styles from STEM.

BACK-UP CARE is offered to families who need care on a day their child is not scheduled or may need back-up care if their home care is disrupted. Back-up care is not to be used for sick children. STEM accepts Back-up Care through Bright Horizons.

WITHDRAWAL – To withdraw enrollment, you are required to give 45 days of advance written notice. In such case, your security deposit will not be returned; instead, it will be used to charge the tuition fee. All deposits are non-refundable if you withdraw your child/ren prior to 90 days of enrollment. Verbal notice will not be accepted; withdrawal notices must be emailed to the emails listed below per location.

FIRST GRADE ENROLLMENT is a school year commitment as the program runs from September – June. This provides your child a proper introduction to the STEM Academy curriculum. If you choose to withdraw from the First-Grade program, all payments including the security deposit will not be refunded. The security deposit is due at the time of registration and secures your spot. It will be posted to your account and used as your last month’s tuition payment. The security deposit for First Grade will be used for June’s payment.

FIRST GRADE TUITION follows advance payment of two months throughout the year. A late fee of $50 will be charged if payment is not received by the agreed due dates; this will result in suspension of care if payment is not received by the 30th of each due date month. If care is suspended, no refunds will be issued including the security deposit. No refunds or tuition adjustments will be made for holidays, vacation time, sick days, and/or when school is closed. Tuition is subject to change without notice. All deposits are non-refundable.


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